Uniting a global business with brand purpose
As the parent company of a global conglomerate, Mexichem (newly named Orbia) wanted to galvanize its organization around a single, unifying purpose. With 26 businesses across 45 countries, each with its own unique culture and values, the question became: How do you unite them under one banner to leverage the power of the collective without sacrificing their individual identities?
The answer was purpose.
Just like building a house starts with the scaffolding, the Purpose Wheel helps engineer the intent behind the purpose statement before the crafting of the words.
The center of the wheel suggests five ways a company might have an impact on the world. Each slice answers the question, “Why do we exist beyond profit?” in a different way. The exercise is not to insist on any one area but instead to imagine the company having impact in each of the five ways. The conversations that follow around what that impact might look like today—and in the future—help to expand thinking and consider other possibilities even if some of them feel ill-fitting or a challenge.
Purpose is a company’s North Star, and this exercise encouraged leaders to free themselves from the constraints of today, by focusing on the possibilities of tomorrow.
Orbia made the commitment to…