Vology / Branding an IT Titan for the modern age.

Creative Direction
Brand Strategy
Art Direction

Can design help a company learn a new language?

As the world of IT changes as fast as the products they help implement, Vology realized that in order to grow they had to evolve. Established as a product reseller, the company knew that its future lay in providing solutions, not products. And while they were currently successful, they were ill-equipped to talk to the progressive, more sophisticated clients looking for these services.

High level IT management and business leaders don’t speak IT and so they needed to reposition themselves, leaving behind a world of jargon in favor of more simple, uncomplicated language. And while they struggled to speak to clients, they also had internal communication issues. After 3 years and 4 different company acquisitions, Vology’s own employees weren’t speaking the same language with communication segregated and inconsistent.

So, could we help a company and its employees learn another language?

An icon and logo built to capture the freedom Vology provides and their three core offers.


Tampa Bay / Rebranding a city


IDEO / Creating nested purpose for complex orgs